Gardens! Gardens! Gardens! That is all I think about this month.  I love it!
I only have one offering this month, but will try and do an update too. It's a busy month of recitals, prom, and then graduation for Lydia! Time does go by quickly.
Please email me if you have any questions, or wish to purchase this pretty little pincushion.  
Thank you always for your friendships and have a wonderful month! 
Jenn xo


Strawberry Pincushion

This pincushion is made from early and old fabric bits. Lots of piecing and stitching to create a picture.

It measures 5" x 5" and is filled with walnut hulls, lavender, and fill for holding it's shape.

Attached is a little 2" strawberry also made from old fabrics and filled with walnut hulls. Included are vintage pins and early bone buttons.

This is an original and one of a kind piece of textile artwork.  It will be also signed by me ...not just my little rhp tag :)

$62.00 includes priority mail shipping. This is sold, thank you!


Just a reminder that my offerings will now be listed at 8:00 am here on the 1st of every month.  Again, thanks for visiting me and all of the lovely artists here at Early Work Merc. 💗